3rd Circuit Leaves Young Adult Carry Victory In Place
[…] young adults under 21 have been handed a huge victory by the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals. On February 26, the court denied a petition for the full court to hear the case Lara v. Paris, which challenges Pennsylvania’s law banning 18- to 20-year-olds from carrying firearms during a state of emergency. https://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/3rd-circuit-leaves-young-adult-carry-victory-in-place/
Related cases…
Worth v Jacobson, challenging MN’s under-21 ban, has been petitioned for Cert at SCOTUS. Document submission is due tomorrow. In NRA v Florida, another under-21 restriction challenge case, the Eleventh Circuit heard Oral Argument in October ’24 and a ruling is overdue. In the Fifth Circuit, Reese v ATF was denied En Banc rehearing with the case remanded to the lower courts for further litigation. There is a case in the Tenth Circuit that ruled to uphold a ban (CO, if I recall correctly).
Legislatively, on February 27, U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie, R-KY, reintroduced the Second Amendment for Every Registrable (SAFER) Voter Act, which would lower the age from 21 to 18 for purchasing a handgun from a federal firearms licensee (FFL).
“France announced that it is opening its doors to American researchers reconsidering their future following President Donald Trump’s controversial policies on science and research.
The French government has called on the country’s institutions to find ways to accommodate scientists leaving the United States. The US researchers are thinking of leaving the country in response to funding cuts and policy shifts under the Trump administration.” https://euroweeklynews.com/2025/03/09/trumps-cuts-push-us-scientists-to-france/
“There is no one like the God of Jeshurun,
Who rides the heavens to help you,
And in His excellency on the clouds.
The eternal God is your refuge,
And underneath are the everlasting arms. Deuteronomy 33:26-27
Abba, what joy we have in the splendor of Your creation that shows the truth of who You are and how You love us. In all things, Father of our lives, You are our strength and our refuge, the joy in our hearts. In humble gratitude for all You have done…amen and amen!
Good, sweet Sunday morning blessings, CFP friends! May you see the beauty in His creation He made just for you as you journey in your today 🌿💖✝️💖🌿
Mama pajama
Good morning booker! 🌿💖✝️💖🌿
💗 Hisssy 💗
Liberal French women dress up as Nazis to protest against the so called ‘Fascist Epidemic’ during Women’s Day.
Juan Sanchez was a big man of faith, never missed mass on Sunday,” his sister said. “He volunteered on Sunday mornings at church.”
ILLEGAL ALIENS in LA murder a good Samaritan who tried to stop catalytic converter theft
Guatemalan ILLEGAL Wilber Alberto Rabanales and Salvadoran ILLEGAL Jose Christian Saravia Sanchez have lengthy criminal records in Los Angeles
Rabanales has been arrested at least 15 times in the last few years in the county, predominantly on gun charges, grand theft, burglary and drug charges
He has multiple grand theft arrests, mostly for stealing catalytic converters, and past charges for multiple DUIs, conspiracy, felon in possession of a gun, possession of burglary tools, possession of meth, possession of stolen property and felony hit-and-run during a police pursuit.
Sanchez has been arrested at least a dozen times, mostly for grand theft, gun charges, drugs, burglary, kidnapping, possession of meth and possession of burglary tools
Today while walking my 3 year old daughter a group of “Slava Ukraini” protesters followed us around and shouted as my daughter grew increasingly anxious and scared.
I decided to speak with the protesters in the hopes that I could trade a few minutes of conversation for them leaving my toddler alone. (Nearly all of them agreed.)
It was a mostly respectful conversation, but if you’re chasing a 3-year-old as part of a political protest, you’re a shit person.
Were the “Slava Ukraini” draft age? If they are so committed to Ukraine, then why are they here in the USA and not in Ukraine fighting for their cause? They need to go fight their own war and quit expecting US monies, munitions and troops. $350B is quite enough for American taxpayers to have sent/gifted to their cause (especially to ungrateful, petulant dictators).
I wonder how many of the people unrolling that massive Ukrainian flag in DC are Ukrainian male citizens?
Zelenskyy’s not negotiating with Russia is a huge huge huge mistake. The dopey EU involvement could well escalate the whole damn war.
‘GRAND THEFT’: Payne warns this could be ‘Watergate times a million’ amid DOGE findings
💗 Hisssy 💗
If he keeps up with this, he might end up with a conspiracy charge.
DHS identifies ICE raid leakers, Sen. Rick Scott calls for action (“Government un-explainable now…”) | Fox News
Gutfeld: The question the left should be asking is, why is everything Trump does so popular?
Maher: Shutdowns Are Always ‘End of the World’, But Now Dems Doing It Is Okay?
On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher reacted to suggestions that Democrats should shut down the government over their disagreements with the Trump administration by saying that whenever shutdowns are threatened, “it’s always the end of the world…and you’re going to crash the economy. But now, it’s okay?” https://www.breitbart.com/clips/2025/03/08/maher-shutdowns-are-always-end-of-the-world-but-now-dems-doing-it-is-okay/
I watched a bunch of videos on YouTube today that were critical of Megan Markle’s new Netflix series. I don’t have Netflix because I refuse to pay for anything beyond my $175 ish/month for Spectrum. I have always enjoyed the “free” home improvement and foodie networks. I don’t care that they are “out of touch” with everyday Americans. It’s an innocent escape and sometimes I might actually learn a tip here and there that does apply to my life.
If Netflix was free, I would probably watch Megan’s new show.
The things I don’t like about Megan have nothing to do with gardening, hosting, beekeeping. I just don’t like her because she took the most relatable human Royal and turned him into a wuss, and while the royal family rolled out the red carpet, she complained about musty smells and racism.
Meddling Kid
“Once one chicken is infected, farmers are forced to cull the remainder, after which comes the challenge of repopulating their flocks.“
So by this logic, if one person in a family, or one kid in a school, or one member of a town shows signs of flu, covid, measles, or any other illness that CAN be serious in SOME cases, then that entire FAMILY, SCHOOL, or TOWN SHOULD BE KILLED, you know, to stop the spread.
This is the exact OPPOSITE LOGIC of herd immunity and natural selection.
Mama Pajama
in addition to your wonderful logic, it is curious that the chicken flu went away after the election.
💗 Hisssy 💗
The North American Aerospace Defense Command intercepted another civilian pilot in restricted airspace over Mar-a-Lago on Saturday morning, adding to the list of more than 20 such violations since President Donald Trump’s inauguration in January.
“Our grocery stores are really promoting our Canadian products, and I think a lot of us are buying those products because of this,” said Liz Floyd, who noted there’s been more national unity in Canada.
“We’re gonna ensure that the Americans understand how pissed off we are, how unified we are, how committed we are to working as a country to stand up for each other,” he said.
If you’re Canadian, and you’re pissed at Trump, then you’re an idiot. You SHOULD be buying as much local and domestic products as possible. A country filled with good made elsewhere is not healthy. (Talking about you, Walmart)
Trump loves the Canadian people. Trump doesn’t like socialist dictator wannabes like Turdeau, and neither do the American people. This article reads like the only people they interviewed were low-information voters who only watch CNN.
Dan Dale
President Trump’s remarks early on that he would like to see Canada join the US touched some nerves in Canada. The tarrifs are viewed by many as a way to cripple Canada economically so as to fast track the take over.
It is quite something to see conservative loving Canadians now voicing horrible opinions of Trump and tarrifs on social media. The liberal leadership race will most likely see Carney take the position. He is putting out very good ads demonstrating that a conservative Canadian govt will hand over Canada to the US. Trudeau’s liberals went from trailing massively in the polls to now nearly coming back to a nail biting closeness.
Donald Trump has been Trudeau’s biggest political fortune. Incredible. Words matter. I absolutely love president Trump, but wow, he really handed Trudeau a political life line.
Canadians are so vain. We talk Canadian pride. I doubt any conservative Canadian can express what they truly are proud of? I can’t think of any. We are a degenerate society. It would be so nice to see Trump give the option to any Canadian that wants to join the US the green might to move. Then I would care less what happens to this dumpster fire here. But I fear that he will push on us another four years of Liberal leadership and you can’t imagine what those four years will be like. Hell! And we are stuck here with no exit.
DD, the relative trade imbalance is just one of Trump’s issues. The idea that Canada can secure its borders without the aid of the USA is another one to ponder. I see his point on that one. In order to secure the USA, he sort of must secure Canada. From that position, I can understand how he gets to the idea for Canada becoming part of the USA. I can also see how that idea could be jolting to Canadians.
How that would actually work is another question! With the liberal government now dominating nationally, could we expect Canada to send two liberal Senators (I.e., Democrats) to Washington, DC? What would congressional representation look like? Would Canada be a better fit if seen as similar to Guam or Puerto Rico, i.e., not a state but more independent. I don’t have the answers, but I have lots of questions!
DD, you and KP are my CFP brothers from north of the border… I certainly mean you no disrespect with any of this. I’m glad that you jumped in to comment. I hope you and the boys had a great fall (hunting season) and that your winter has been “warm”. Keep in touch!
Good to see you, Dan. Scary thought that Liberals could win again. Seems eastern half of Canada is liberal toast. And then there’s China smacking you guys with more tariffs. The US/Canada tariff mess will get straightened out.
Happy Caturday!
Happy Caturday blessings, Maris😊
So cute. Love their smiles!
There are lots of these vids on YouTube, and every one is so sweet. A nice feel-good.
💗 Hisssy 💗
((( Super Yes )))
Yes, I do. Weird, I never get “randomly surveyed”. I’ve also never been called for jury duty. I’m 60 and been a registered voted since I was 18. My sister has lost count of how many times she’s been called for jury duty. Before she retired, she was a teacher.
Meddling Kid
“A federal judge in Missouri found the Chinese government responsible for covering up the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and hoarding protective equipment in a ruling on Friday. He entered a judgment of more than $24 billion that Missouri officials vowed to enforce by seizing Chinese assets.”
Every state should do this, then seize all land owned by Chinese companies or citizens in the US, and prohibit any future ownership of land by foreigners…just like most other countries do.
We probably also need an extra “exclusion zone” around all military installations with extra scrutiny on what is built or done there. The days are gone when an innocent-looking storage container is just used for extra barn space. Now it’s just as likely to contain telecom spying equipment, a mobile drug lab, or illegal weapons.
I prefer zip-zero Chinese ownership of anything in the US. Yep, I’m a wee bit concerned about containers, especially coming off ships.
Glad this has finally happened. Maine should do this. We have a whole lot of shenanigans going on up here like that…but not holding my breath.
Mama Pajama
and the champagne room!!
Mama – I love that list of luxuries!!!!! Divine!!!
Mama Pajama
we forget so quickly!
Guns & ammo… just sayin’
Mama Pajama
Mama Pajama
Mama Pajama
“Draft executive order would make Puerto Rico independent and save U.S. $600 billion.”
I’ve always thought Puerto Rico should be independent.
The only problem with P.R. independence is that nations usually have a policy of never giving up territory if they can help it, for good reasons.
The ChiComs would swoop in and build P.R. a new “port” (*cough* naval base)
… in exchange for predatory loans that P.R. could never pay back.
We don’t want ChiComs in Puerto Rico.
Mama Pajama
this is what they did in Africa. Now they almost own the continent.
Yes, plus plenty of South America.
Rosa Brooks, Norm Eisen’s partner on the Transition Integrity Project, said that they would be continuing their effort to disbar Trump affiliated attorneys. Now the democrat communist party senators have filed a bar complaint against Ed Martin.
This is what happens when you have a hapless AG who has not done anything to prosecute the people who weaponized the justice system over the last four years. Norm Eisen should have already been arrested and made an example of so that the lawfare would stop. Imagine the nerve it takes to say anything like these fools after what they have done the last four years. Glenn even bragged about how his friends in robes would be “guardrails” against the Trump administration, aka act as weaponized political hacks.
BREAKING: Respected conservative attorney Paul Clement concludes that the judiciary does NOT have the power to force the executive to carry out a prosecution. Confirms that US District Judge Emmet Sullivan’s judicial harassment of Gen. Flynn was not only improper and unethical, but illegal. Libtarded legal novelties thoroughly discarded here. [Much more…] https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1898144229471535483.html
All death is sad, but I think the deaths of Gene Hackman and his wife are particularly sad. Very sad.
I still don’t understand why they didn’t have someone checking on them in one way or another more frequently.
My sentiments exactly, Michele. This story is especially disturbing.
What Russia/Ukraine?
“EU Commissioner for Equality, Hadja Lahbib, warns, “We are witnessing a downsizing of sexual and reproductive rights and an attack on diversity and inclusion policies” in different parts of Europe and the world” https://www.eunews.it/en/2025/03/07/march-8-eu-roadmap-for-womens-rights/
3rd Circuit Leaves Young Adult Carry Victory In Place
[…] young adults under 21 have been handed a huge victory by the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals. On February 26, the court denied a petition for the full court to hear the case Lara v. Paris, which challenges Pennsylvania’s law banning 18- to 20-year-olds from carrying firearms during a state of emergency.
Related cases…
Worth v Jacobson, challenging MN’s under-21 ban, has been petitioned for Cert at SCOTUS. Document submission is due tomorrow. In NRA v Florida, another under-21 restriction challenge case, the Eleventh Circuit heard Oral Argument in October ’24 and a ruling is overdue. In the Fifth Circuit, Reese v ATF was denied En Banc rehearing with the case remanded to the lower courts for further litigation. There is a case in the Tenth Circuit that ruled to uphold a ban (CO, if I recall correctly).
Legislatively, on February 27, U.S. Rep. Thomas Massie, R-KY, reintroduced the Second Amendment for Every Registrable (SAFER) Voter Act, which would lower the age from 21 to 18 for purchasing a handgun from a federal firearms licensee (FFL).
More hot air from the CPC.
“China’s military said Sunday (Mar 9) it would tighten its “noose” around Taiwan if separatism over the island escalated, warning proponents to step back from the “edge of the cliff” or face a “dead end”, state media reported.”
“China threatens Taiwan again, speaks of ‘tightening noose’ and ‘hanging swords’ if separatist movements grow”
“France announced that it is opening its doors to American researchers reconsidering their future following President Donald Trump’s controversial policies on science and research.
The French government has called on the country’s institutions to find ways to accommodate scientists leaving the United States. The US researchers are thinking of leaving the country in response to funding cuts and policy shifts under the Trump administration.”
Putin’s Pipeline Patrol?
“There is no one like the God of Jeshurun,
Who rides the heavens to help you,
And in His excellency on the clouds.
The eternal God is your refuge,
And underneath are the everlasting arms. Deuteronomy 33:26-27
Abba, what joy we have in the splendor of Your creation that shows the truth of who You are and how You love us. In all things, Father of our lives, You are our strength and our refuge, the joy in our hearts. In humble gratitude for all You have done…amen and amen!
Good, sweet Sunday morning blessings, CFP friends! May you see the beauty in His creation He made just for you as you journey in your today 🌿💖✝️💖🌿
Good morning booker! 🌿💖✝️💖🌿
Liberal French women dress up as Nazis to protest against the so called ‘Fascist Epidemic’ during Women’s Day.
viewer warning: naked boobs
“China’s Autonomous Agent, Manus, Changes Everything”
Juan Sanchez was a big man of faith, never missed mass on Sunday,” his sister said. “He volunteered on Sunday mornings at church.”
ILLEGAL ALIENS in LA murder a good Samaritan who tried to stop catalytic converter theft
Guatemalan ILLEGAL Wilber Alberto Rabanales and Salvadoran ILLEGAL Jose Christian Saravia Sanchez have lengthy criminal records in Los Angeles
Rabanales has been arrested at least 15 times in the last few years in the county, predominantly on gun charges, grand theft, burglary and drug charges
He has multiple grand theft arrests, mostly for stealing catalytic converters, and past charges for multiple DUIs, conspiracy, felon in possession of a gun, possession of burglary tools, possession of meth, possession of stolen property and felony hit-and-run during a police pursuit.
Sanchez has been arrested at least a dozen times, mostly for grand theft, gun charges, drugs, burglary, kidnapping, possession of meth and possession of burglary tools
Seems that in LA having a long rap sheet of major crimes doesn’t matter much to the authorities until you actually kill someone
Today while walking my 3 year old daughter a group of “Slava Ukraini” protesters followed us around and shouted as my daughter grew increasingly anxious and scared.
I decided to speak with the protesters in the hopes that I could trade a few minutes of conversation for them leaving my toddler alone. (Nearly all of them agreed.)
It was a mostly respectful conversation, but if you’re chasing a 3-year-old as part of a political protest, you’re a shit person.
Were the “Slava Ukraini” draft age? If they are so committed to Ukraine, then why are they here in the USA and not in Ukraine fighting for their cause? They need to go fight their own war and quit expecting US monies, munitions and troops. $350B is quite enough for American taxpayers to have sent/gifted to their cause (especially to ungrateful, petulant dictators).
I wonder how many of the people unrolling that massive Ukrainian flag in DC are Ukrainian male citizens?
Zelenskyy’s not negotiating with Russia is a huge huge huge mistake. The dopey EU involvement could well escalate the whole damn war.
‘GRAND THEFT’: Payne warns this could be ‘Watergate times a million’ amid DOGE findings
If he keeps up with this, he might end up with a conspiracy charge.
Chad Madsen Of Afton Owns Wyoming’s Largest Horse Herd — And Knows Them All By Name

Chad Madsen runs a herd of 2,500 horses, the largest in Wyoming, on ranches in Pavilion and Afton. The horses end up at outfitters and dude ranches across the state as rentals for tourists and hunters. And Madsen says he knows them all by name.
DHS identifies ICE raid leakers, Sen. Rick Scott calls for action (“Government un-explainable now…”) | Fox News
Gutfeld: The question the left should be asking is, why is everything Trump does so popular?
Maher: Shutdowns Are Always ‘End of the World’, But Now Dems Doing It Is Okay?
On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher reacted to suggestions that Democrats should shut down the government over their disagreements with the Trump administration by saying that whenever shutdowns are threatened, “it’s always the end of the world…and you’re going to crash the economy. But now, it’s okay?”
Maher: Trump’s Way More Proactive on Gaza Hostages than Biden Seemed
I watched a bunch of videos on YouTube today that were critical of Megan Markle’s new Netflix series. I don’t have Netflix because I refuse to pay for anything beyond my $175 ish/month for Spectrum. I have always enjoyed the “free” home improvement and foodie networks. I don’t care that they are “out of touch” with everyday Americans. It’s an innocent escape and sometimes I might actually learn a tip here and there that does apply to my life.
If Netflix was free, I would probably watch Megan’s new show.
The things I don’t like about Megan have nothing to do with gardening, hosting, beekeeping. I just don’t like her because she took the most relatable human Royal and turned him into a wuss, and while the royal family rolled out the red carpet, she complained about musty smells and racism.
“Once one chicken is infected, farmers are forced to cull the remainder, after which comes the challenge of repopulating their flocks.“
So by this logic, if one person in a family, or one kid in a school, or one member of a town shows signs of flu, covid, measles, or any other illness that CAN be serious in SOME cases, then that entire FAMILY, SCHOOL, or TOWN SHOULD BE KILLED, you know, to stop the spread.
This is the exact OPPOSITE LOGIC of herd immunity and natural selection.
in addition to your wonderful logic, it is curious that the chicken flu went away after the election.
The North American Aerospace Defense Command intercepted another civilian pilot in restricted airspace over Mar-a-Lago on Saturday morning, adding to the list of more than 20 such violations since President Donald Trump’s inauguration in January.
“Our grocery stores are really promoting our Canadian products, and I think a lot of us are buying those products because of this,” said Liz Floyd, who noted there’s been more national unity in Canada.
“We’re gonna ensure that the Americans understand how pissed off we are, how unified we are, how committed we are to working as a country to stand up for each other,” he said.
If you’re Canadian, and you’re pissed at Trump, then you’re an idiot. You SHOULD be buying as much local and domestic products as possible. A country filled with good made elsewhere is not healthy. (Talking about you, Walmart)
Trump loves the Canadian people. Trump doesn’t like socialist dictator wannabes like Turdeau, and neither do the American people. This article reads like the only people they interviewed were low-information voters who only watch CNN.
President Trump’s remarks early on that he would like to see Canada join the US touched some nerves in Canada. The tarrifs are viewed by many as a way to cripple Canada economically so as to fast track the take over.
It is quite something to see conservative loving Canadians now voicing horrible opinions of Trump and tarrifs on social media. The liberal leadership race will most likely see Carney take the position. He is putting out very good ads demonstrating that a conservative Canadian govt will hand over Canada to the US. Trudeau’s liberals went from trailing massively in the polls to now nearly coming back to a nail biting closeness.
Donald Trump has been Trudeau’s biggest political fortune. Incredible. Words matter. I absolutely love president Trump, but wow, he really handed Trudeau a political life line.
Canadians are so vain. We talk Canadian pride. I doubt any conservative Canadian can express what they truly are proud of? I can’t think of any. We are a degenerate society. It would be so nice to see Trump give the option to any Canadian that wants to join the US the green might to move. Then I would care less what happens to this dumpster fire here. But I fear that he will push on us another four years of Liberal leadership and you can’t imagine what those four years will be like. Hell! And we are stuck here with no exit.
DD, the relative trade imbalance is just one of Trump’s issues. The idea that Canada can secure its borders without the aid of the USA is another one to ponder. I see his point on that one. In order to secure the USA, he sort of must secure Canada. From that position, I can understand how he gets to the idea for Canada becoming part of the USA. I can also see how that idea could be jolting to Canadians.
How that would actually work is another question! With the liberal government now dominating nationally, could we expect Canada to send two liberal Senators (I.e., Democrats) to Washington, DC? What would congressional representation look like? Would Canada be a better fit if seen as similar to Guam or Puerto Rico, i.e., not a state but more independent. I don’t have the answers, but I have lots of questions!
DD, you and KP are my CFP brothers from north of the border… I certainly mean you no disrespect with any of this. I’m glad that you jumped in to comment. I hope you and the boys had a great fall (hunting season) and that your winter has been “warm”. Keep in touch!
Good to see you, Dan. Scary thought that Liberals could win again. Seems eastern half of Canada is liberal toast. And then there’s China smacking you guys with more tariffs. The US/Canada tariff mess will get straightened out.
Happy Caturday!
Happy Caturday blessings, Maris😊
So cute. Love their smiles!
There are lots of these vids on YouTube, and every one is so sweet. A nice feel-good.
((( Super Yes )))
Yes, I do. Weird, I never get “randomly surveyed”. I’ve also never been called for jury duty. I’m 60 and been a registered voted since I was 18. My sister has lost count of how many times she’s been called for jury duty. Before she retired, she was a teacher.
“A federal judge in Missouri found the Chinese government responsible for covering up the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and hoarding protective equipment in a ruling on Friday. He entered a judgment of more than $24 billion that Missouri officials vowed to enforce by seizing Chinese assets.”
Every state should do this, then seize all land owned by Chinese companies or citizens in the US, and prohibit any future ownership of land by foreigners…just like most other countries do.
We probably also need an extra “exclusion zone” around all military installations with extra scrutiny on what is built or done there. The days are gone when an innocent-looking storage container is just used for extra barn space. Now it’s just as likely to contain telecom spying equipment, a mobile drug lab, or illegal weapons.
I prefer zip-zero Chinese ownership of anything in the US. Yep, I’m a wee bit concerned about containers, especially coming off ships.
Glad this has finally happened. Maine should do this. We have a whole lot of shenanigans going on up here like that…but not holding my breath.
and the champagne room!!

Mama – I love that list of luxuries!!!!! Divine!!!
we forget so quickly!
Guns & ammo… just sayin’
“Draft executive order would make Puerto Rico independent and save U.S. $600 billion.”
I’ve always thought Puerto Rico should be independent.
The only problem with P.R. independence is that nations usually have a policy of never giving up territory if they can help it, for good reasons.
The ChiComs would swoop in and build P.R. a new “port” (*cough* naval base)
… in exchange for predatory loans that P.R. could never pay back.
We don’t want ChiComs in Puerto Rico.
this is what they did in Africa. Now they almost own the continent.
Yes, plus plenty of South America.
Rosa Brooks, Norm Eisen’s partner on the Transition Integrity Project, said that they would be continuing their effort to disbar Trump affiliated attorneys. Now the democrat communist party senators have filed a bar complaint against Ed Martin.
This is what happens when you have a hapless AG who has not done anything to prosecute the people who weaponized the justice system over the last four years. Norm Eisen should have already been arrested and made an example of so that the lawfare would stop. Imagine the nerve it takes to say anything like these fools after what they have done the last four years. Glenn even bragged about how his friends in robes would be “guardrails” against the Trump administration, aka act as weaponized political hacks.
The DC courts and the ABA should be dismantled.
He said he’s broke. Who’s paying for this vaca?
I love Nick Adams. Heard him speak a couple of weeks ago. ❤️
Main page.
“Residents of Baire (Contramaestre, Santiago de Cuba) have reported on social media that state officials installed a lamp on a streetlight on 15th Street in this area to illuminate an event attended by Miguel Díaz-Canel, and after taking the necessary photos, the same workers removed the light fixture, leaving the neighborhood in darkness.”
BREAKING: Respected conservative attorney Paul Clement concludes that the judiciary does NOT have the power to force the executive to carry out a prosecution. Confirms that US District Judge Emmet Sullivan’s judicial harassment of Gen. Flynn was not only improper and unethical, but illegal. Libtarded legal novelties thoroughly discarded here. [Much more…]
Prima donna, who like Hillary Clinton, used to have a noticeable nose, surrounded by “mothers”.
Did he give meat grinders?
Trump Appoints Laura Ingraham, Maria Bartiromo to Join Kennedy Center Board
All death is sad, but I think the deaths of Gene Hackman and his wife are particularly sad. Very sad.
I still don’t understand why they didn’t have someone checking on them in one way or another more frequently.
My sentiments exactly, Michele. This story is especially disturbing.
What Russia/Ukraine?
“EU Commissioner for Equality, Hadja Lahbib, warns, “We are witnessing a downsizing of sexual and reproductive rights and an attack on diversity and inclusion policies” in different parts of Europe and the world”
Picture of the woman
Sounds like a leftist Dem. Or a race-hustling pastor.