Ken Paxton | Here’s the Truth about Election Fraud

Posted by Kane on July 21, 2023 12:02 pm


Watch it all the way to the end





Fantastic speech from Heritage Foundation this week


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I am old enough to remember when we considering the right to vote was sacred…a right inherited because men and women sacrificed their lives on wars to keep this country free.


I spoke with Russ Ramsland, the man who appeared in Mike Lindell’s first documentary on the stolen election. I asked how far up the chain he went with the data he found on the 2018 Dallas County election. He said he presented his findings to Abbott (Governor), Patrick (Lt. Gov), and Paxton. They had two forensic auditors confirm his findings. You know the rest of the story – none of them did anything about it. Earlier, Paxton was given information by a sitting TX House Rep. on a related, potential stolen election and did nothing.


Look what is happening to him now!


Next Govenor of Texas.


I love this guy! A great AG. He has worked diligently.


Yep, and the msm, the dems, the worthless POS RINO’s and the entirety of the “Useful Idiot” community at large has no curiosity whatsoever in the statistically IMPOSSIBLE spike in alleged ‘votes’ that put FJB out in the lead in the areas where this happened.

This country id FOOKED for FOOK’s sake!

Rachel Warner
Rachel Warner

In reality the government is mainly controlled by egomaniacs who have delusions of grandeur (mentally deranged people). Most are very rich gained through government jobs or in large liberal corporations that do favors for the democrat party (hide criminal acts) and get promoted into the party apparatus.
Through the past decade they have joined together through funding by NGOs and a cadre of special interest groups (via Obama’s presidency). They are funded by the rich (Soros -and his horrible kids) and a huge number of multinational corporation executives (Bill Gates, W Buffet- along with their horribe kids). They want to control society and its citizens. And are well on their way to achieve their goals.


un-freaking real….great video – clearly explains how “the left” won in 2020 AND 2022 (I’m in AZ, and there is NO way in hell Katie Hobbs – who wouldn’t debate w/Lake “hid in her basement” sound familiar – won the election….


the answer is for state legislatures to pass laws that allow them to subtract votes from envelopes that lack signatures or without matching signatures based in the voter registration of the individual


the answer is NO mail in ballots! how about one day general election, a national holiday (combine it with one of the other 364!), and no computers. Photo IDs and matching signatures.


The RNC was asleep at the wheel. Kushner heading the Trump campaign was derelict in his duties. Where was the preemptive plans and actions and the team of lawyers. Where were republican state AG’s. Did Paxton call them? Trump kept saying 80 million ballots in the mail was going to create fraud. Why didn’t anyone listen? Red state legislators let this happen🤬

Jay White
Jay White

Because half the RNC was also against Trump! Congress is CORRUPT! RNC DOESN’t care about anyone else!


And very evil


Even 3rd world crapholes have voter integrity, they purple ink your thumb when you cast your vote. No mail-ins allowed


& philly cops were arresting anyone who questioned what was going on with unmarked white vans driving into building at 2 & 3 am


Exact same thing happened in Penna!!! Insane Left STOLE THE ELECTION thru FIVE KEY COUNTIES in FIVE KEY STATES. & every one of those counties were in deep blue dem controlled craphole cities. In phils Insane Left actually put up cardboard on windows so no one could see the vote counting. Deep blue controlled philly cops arrested anyone who even tried to look inside. Good Hight America!! You are doomed.


If Trump wins, he should appoint Ken Paxton as his Attorney General. He’s done more Texas than the previous AG’s and he would clean up the Dept of Justice. Heads would roll because they know he is not a corrupt member of their deep state team.

amber light
amber light

yup and the weak ass conservatives do absolutely NOTHING!


bc R party is lead by RINOs who are in on it!!! 8itch McConnell should DIE, RINO Ryan too!

Pepe! 🐸
Pepe! 🐸

Many of us have observed the self-destruction for decades.

This next election may open up the open rebellion against Bill Ay res prediction 50 years ago when he stated ‘America would elect an openly socialism (read communist) government.’

How do I know? He personally told me when I was personally invited to talk to him.

Road Warrior
Road Warrior



1. it “seems”
2. “bitch about one” what??


So Trump was forewarned and did nothing about it? Another reason to vote for Desantis…

sam jones
sam jones

Don’t forget, 2016 was Hillary’s time.


“2024 is Trump’s time and hopefully he will actually drain the swamp this time because I think now he understands how corrupt and crooked it is.”
This time Trump knows the actors


Which are 90% of DC Swamp

Pepe! 🐸
Pepe! 🐸

Excepting is was Trump that had many gruesome misses in his hiring, Bill Barr, The Gooch, Mattis, Kelly Craft…

Sure wish there were better choices, but pretty much any choice is better than (D) or RINOS.

Face it, the (D) & (RINO) parties are in a state of flux. They are beaking up before our very eyes.


The globalist DeShitis.


Hi Cinncinatus, DeSantis is not our guy for 2024. He is a Paul Ryan accolade and has surrounded himself with Bush RINO’s,Advisors like Karl Rove and the gerble Frank (Wanna be my butt buddy) Luntz + loads of rich China affiliated never Trump donors who own him. Because he needs funding he can be controlled. We simply do not have time for on the job training or more weak establishment bend over for the Democrats candidates!
Trump knows exactly what to do and is the ONLY candidate that can end the deep state from choosing our candidates and give us The American People a seat at the table. DeSantis has already back peddled on Ukraine and other things based on recommendations his advisors and donors! His Europe tour was a disaster!
I like Ron as Governor and think he has done a great job there. He should finish his term. I would actually love to see Matt Gaetz or Kari Lake run as Trumps VP in 2024 and then run for President in 2028. Matt Gaetz & Kari Lake are not controlled by the establishment for the managed decline of our country as it has been under previous RINO’s. There is no negotiating with the left anymore. Those Communists must be beaten soundly and destroyed! Bi-Partisanship is a joke which simply means RINO Republicans bend over and the Democrats get everything they want!
We need a battle hardened tough, hard as nails commander in chief! Trump is our only hope at saving this country! Your patriotism is appreciated but Ron is not ready for prime time!

Jay White
Jay White

Sadly Trump picked losers for the DOJ LEADERSHIP.

Jay White
Jay White

Both would make a good ticket and leave Desantis to follow Trump!


How about we save money on machines by having more precincts and hand counts from votes cast on Election Day.


Try over $250 TRILLION in debt. You’ll find out in about 5 yrs when Medicare & SS stop paying. Insane Left using that money to bring in & support 10 million illegals


Sadly you are most likely right


POS Biden regime officially stated that Covid is over and ended the national emergency. So then, why should any state, especially these damn coward red states, allow one single mail in ballot again?

Cat Catcher
Cat Catcher

The only battleground state that has addressed it is Georgia. In WI there is a veto proof majority in state senate and they are 1 seat short of this in house. Evers and AG are both far left. In MI? All democrat control. AZ? Same.


Fact this must be fixed, over & over, state by state, is very discouraging. Are there enough smart, courageous Paxton’s out there? I’ve got horrible doubts! I just don’t see much happening. 2024 NOT far off!!


We need 50 AG’s like that.


Fairly certain that if I fly to El Salvador tomorrow and the next day they had a national election, I PROBABLY couldn’t vote..its a no brainer


It wouldn’t matter when you went to El Salvador. You can’t vote there unless you are able to prove you are a citizen and show proof via a sedula.


BTW, those sedulas are your picture I.D. with your fingerprint and birth certificate info or your naturalized citizenship proof.

Mike Jefferson
Mike Jefferson

Everything Ken says is true and then some, however he needs to tighten up the delivery and be screaming this from the rooftops.

Mrs. Patriot
Mrs. Patriot

The US Congress should pass legislation to require ID and proof of citizenship for federal elections.


He covered the whole topic. He explained how it’s done, how Texas worked to control the issue before it became instituted, and how other states should do it. Let’s do that.


Selected, not elected


Selected to make planned demolition look like incompetence.


The Biden Administration outlawed commas because of their huge carbon footprint.

victor l oneill
victor l oneill

15 Democrat run states still don’t require proof of citizenship or residency when registering to vote! Arizona passed a voter ID law before the midterm elections and the Democrats got upset of course. If you look at their voter registration law there are 2 types of voter ID. One for voting in all elections (city, county, state & federal) that requires proof of citizenship and residency and one for voting in national elections only that DOESN’T require any proof of citizenship and residency.

Gma Teresa
Gma Teresa

People just do NOT SEEM TO CARE🇺🇸🤔Something terrible will have to happen to affect the bottom line!! Like a war on our land or starvation! Who knows, each person/family will have to decide what pisses them off enough TO SAVE OUR NATION🤦🏽‍♀️🙏🏽🙏🏽


It’s easy. Call your county GOP office and volunteer. You are correct. This is how to win. Our politicians can’t do it alone. I volunteered last election and was the only Republican poll worker in my precinct.


Unfortunately in Maricopa County Arizona the GOP were in on the fix. They wanted President Trump to lose.Cindy McCain the late Senator’s Widow endorsed Joe Biden who spoke at her Husband’s funeral. Cindy may be the biggest GOP donor in Arizona.

Jonis Pistov
Jonis Pistov

One legal vote by one legal voter on one legal day at one legal polling place is my vote. I saw what the new wave, rank choice, has done


With photo ID and a bill with matching address.


Discrimination: The red flowing banner of creeping Marxism.

5 Jabs Behind
5 Jabs Behind

Mail-in-vote is fraud.


Agreed. Purple fingers, same day voting, and voter ID.


Wow, very impressive!

Mr C
Mr C

We have been blinded by political propaganda, we indeed have lost integrity and become third world. 700 k waiting to cross borders. We have no country without borders.


Thanks for playing that. Great commentary.