5 reasons you haven’t died yet from the Vaccine…

Posted by Kane on December 29, 2022 10:04 pm









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Had 3 jabs, 95 year old mother and 2 new grandchildren.
Have d2 and had under control after 2nd shot immediately all my diabetes meds stopped working.
Third shot 2 days later diagnosed with an auto immune .
Now resolved never never take another shot.

Discerned Citizen
Discerned Citizen

The Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012
Needs to be reversed asap. It was passed overwhelmingly by republicans and democrats 93-7 in the senate attached to a NDAA defense spending bill. In only my opinion, maybe this would set a precedent to read the text of anything that gets signed into law, if these 93 senators and whoever was on the congressional side as well would be constitutionally prohibited from ever being in office for passing a laws that allows the government and media to use propaganda against the people. Alex Jones would have had a better defense if his attorneys explained this propaganda law to the jury and ask when this law was passed, was it made retroactive?
This is why no one has been held accountable to the Covid propaganda used by the government and media.
Now, illegal aliens are passing through our airports without identification or biometric data.
So then , my fellow citizens, let’s get rid of the Patriot Act. Because it only puts patriots in jail, otherwise, it would have been called the Terrorist Act.
I see the last comment on this article was made in July of last year and I’m just commenting to no one, however, I have been here since the beginning of citizen free press- several years- and this is my first comment after all this time. I remember enjoying reading comments from Schrödinger’s Cat and old navy vet, more recently Mrs Sunshine.
Homework for my fellow citizens. What exactly is the Pirbright patent for? A biowarfare weapon? Created in the US and outsourced to China and paid them to add the HIV insertions? Gain of function outside the United States to keep it ethical and legal by using the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, which is still in effect to this day.


Took the JNJ jab because its not MRNA, no problems, but they’re really criticizing JNJ for some unknown reason, I guess to get us sheep back into line w MRNA

Joe Canna
Joe Canna

Great info!


You believe all these conspiracy theories about THE JAB with the MRNA stuff. Yet you don’t see the forest for the trees on the JNJ non-MRNA true Vaccine. It’s really quite remarkable. Theres NO room in your head to consider that the CDC and FDA lied about what actually caused the people to experience these blood clots and deep vein thrombosis.

Here are the facts . Upon the Vaccine initially being available. The Jibber Jabber you are regurgitating happened to six women. They temporarily stopped giving the Vaccine because of it. Upon Further Investigation they could not link the adverse reaction to the vaccine. It may have been related to the womens menstrual cycles and other co-morbidity the women had. In other words those six women would have probably had the those things happen to them regardless of taking the JNJ vaccine.

Here are the hard numbers about the JnJ vaccine.

31 million people took the JNJ vaccine like the original poster. There are no reports of any spike protiens or what people are calling Sudden Death syndrome like they are with all the MRNA Vaccines. The simple FACT of the matter is that Johnson and Johnson stopped making the vaccine because people not enough people were getting it to make it profitable for them. So Every dose that was sent out has EXPIRED. Maybe the negative publicity about the six women that you are still regurgitating was a ploy to make sure the one and only safe vaccine would not be profitable. So that they could propagate the ones that cause The Sudden Death that everybody, including you, are worried about now.


we both took the JNJ and not even a sniffle! want to see some real scary blood clot stats look up women taking birth control meds!


the main reason for the JNJ shot fizzling out was like where we live. the local hospital “invested” big money in the super cold freezer to store the DNA vax and told the local pharmacies and health places that they would supply and send them the vaxx when they needed it. the JNJ didn’t need any of that so the locals only used what the hospital provided. we had to travel 200miles round trip to another town to get the JNJ because the locals across our close border with Missouri would only give their shots to the Missouri citizens!



Wesley Steinbrink
Wesley Steinbrink

Don’t want the brain bleeds


Either the doctor is ignorant or has sold his heart for money.
That’s what 80-90% of doctors do.
They have not studied mRNA drugs, which is a completely new technology, on their own, and think that they should leave it to the CDC or FDA.


You mean lemmings?


and ice is cold and water is wet and up is up and down is down. what else is new?


So, doesn’t this confirm the dangerous nature of these shots by the same people trying to hide it?

Liberals are Fascists
Liberals are Fascists

His “advisors” and gov’t health “experts” misled him and lied with impunity.

Lots of backstabbers, shills, and moles in the RNC and federal bureaucracy.


And Trump is their leader.


Yes Trump was played, thou Trump interrupted the time table. Now Trump will never admit he was misled, He will dismantle this BS.

Regular Joe
Regular Joe

Nor did Trump ever advocate forcing people to get the shot. He left it to the individual to decide.


I know the answer for myself is grim….what is the way to get this crap out of me. I had to get vaccinated to work…


Whatever you decide to do, do NOT listen to the mainstream “authorities” (liars)! Do a search online and I’m sure there are plenty of sites that don’t lick the boots of Big Pharma!

Vax Attack
Vax Attack

Get on top of this. Check out this group of Doctors And their various treatment protocols. Eat healthy, supplement, etc. Quit your job next time. Your life is more important.



My wife was fired from a MA ‘General’ Hospital for not complying to be poisoned for the job. In our later 60’s, cut our income in half. With BIDENFLATION our retirement is drastically cut back. We took a huge hit for not complying. DAMN every stinking democrat.


Your wife is probably healthy and you can cut back on expenses.



the outta control spike protein problem can be cancelled out. take two supplements every day: Nattokinase and Spirulina to stop the runaway destroying your immune system. both are food/algae related, safe and good for other benefits and easily bought at any “health food” store or even cheaper on Amazon!


Calling Bill Gates a “doctor” is like calling Klaus Schwab a “great man”.

Old Goat
Old Goat

Klaus Schwab is like Adolf Hitler re-incarnated. I love his accent its perfect for a dictator.


I voted for TRUMP,, and will do so once again. HE was merely attempting to help us all. The developers screwed up, not TRUMP. I did not take the vaccine; and will not, just because TRUMP supported its development, one must be smart enough to evaluate as we go. 1960’s rule, “QUESTION EVERY ANSWER”.

Mostly Harmless
Mostly Harmless

Curious that you feel WE should be smart enough to “evaluate as we go”, yet somehow you exempt the orange man from any obligation to do the same. SURELY such a “stable genius” should have had ample opportunity to evaluate the ubiquitous claims of PROBLEMS with his “great accomplishment”.


Exactly. Trump only opened up the road he didnt crash the car.


TRUMP ordered the attempted development of the vaccine, he did not develop it himself.


They were already waiting. trump the snake issued the bs emergency order and funded the lock downs and murderous protocol in the hospitals. He should hang first, just for saying we are nonessential. After he is hung for that, he should be propped up against a wall and shot until there is nothing left of his fat, ugly meat suit. After a short trial of course.

S. Yoder
S. Yoder

Sounds like you are really talking about Obama, Hillary, Bill, Biden, and some in their administrations…traitors all!


Trump didn’t send infected people to nursing homes. Democrats did that. Dems don’t care about babies why would they care about anyone else. Dems care only for political power. The people that support them are either to ignorant or immoral to care


I love Bill Gates


And you probably love Big Brother, too.

S. Yoder
S. Yoder

Just a low information Dem voter!

Brent Crude
Brent Crude

Bill Gates is a psychopath. Only Bill Gates can stop Bill Gates — and you wouldn’t be Bill Gates if you thought that Bill Gates could be stopped.


That’s funny, because Bill Gates wants you dead.

Laurier ‘Arch’ Archambeault
Laurier ‘Arch’ Archambeault

The sheep being led to the slab are just stupid uninformed liberals.

zoe frost
zoe frost

Clueless indoctrinated folks propagandized/lied to, voting D believing DemonRats were good (and of course massive cheating perfected in 2020) got us to the corrupt, debilitating, devastating state we’re in…where evil demonic Commie/Globalists running the show are cramming their “fundamental transformation” Build Back Better Great Reset down our throats.

Jonesin’ for their utopia of total power/control/wealth, the evil insane elitists and their complicit traitor-to-America useful idiots (their greed-satisfied by elitist’s $billions spread far and wide), put culling of what they think is too many people for the health of the planet BUNK, in motion. The scamdemic enabled the mRNA mystery concoction experimental poison clot shot, indemnified from lawsuits, impervious to being shut down (thanks to ultra corrupted evil expletives controlling FDA/CDC/NIH/WHO/fraud puppet administration et al). And hot on its heels, true to form, more lab virus, planned food shortages, and power shortages are looming.


May 2023. Nuremberg Trials begin!

zoe frost
zoe frost

Masking a healthy child is child abuse and criminal, taking their child to be jabbed is far, far worse…death penalty worse.


Its easy folks, do not get any vaccines, flu, nothing. God knows how many vaccines are now contaminated because they sure didn’t get the target number they wanted. 2-3 yrs from now there will be too many of us chattel alive and kicking.


…….. and they have been that way for as long as I’ve been aware of them, which is getting to be ‘ancient history.’


Don’t forget the use of threats. In Jonestown, it was men with big guns. With the jabs: jab or job, denying benefits, threatening imprisonment, denial of food. And some devils actually thought these things were good ideas to push the “vaccine hesitant”!


Hopefully it lands right on top of New Zealand where they will be camping out in their bunkers while the nukes fly. Should the U.S. and NATO become crippled, I wonder what makes these elites believe that China won’t go down their and wrestle them out of their weasel dens and dispose of them. They won’t be needed anymore as their work will be done.


So, you think NZ is full of “elites” building nuclear bunkers? Right. Got it. And you don’t go anywhere near Montego Bay in summer or you’ll get eaten alive with those dang Flying Fish, right?

Immortal joker
Immortal joker

I bet you’re now embarrassed since there is actual news on this. Moron.


Lol, it’s the truth. They have the NZ military guarding the valleys where they live. Common knowledge in NZ. You need to expand your knowledge.

Johnny Ubanks
Johnny Ubanks

I’m sorry this happened to you. I know the pressure was enormous. When they use our relationships to coerce us into self-harm, I think that’s as low of a reptile as you can become.


I had Covid in May 2021. Got it (probably the Brazilian flavor) in South America immeduately after 1st and only Ivermictin prophylactic dose. No symptoms at all. No Covid since in spite of volunteer work with quarantined Covid patients. Never did get the supposed vaccine and never will. Wish I could get some more Ivermictin though. I’d sure be able to get it in South America.


Well when it all finally comes out into the public sphere and they can’t deny it any longer, when more and more people are suddenly falling over dead and a new panic sets in, I imagine we will be seeing pharma coming to our rescue, selling the new shots meant to cleanse the old shots.


Well that is their business model…


That is a good test for political candidates. I would also add, how do they intend to live on their public salary?


My wife and I are almost 70 and this past year both had mild case of C19. We’ve not taken the vaccine and never will. Never believed it was as deadly as stated from the government and are now being proven correct. I feel so sad for those that lost loved ones to this human-made disaster, or plandemic as we call it, because of the actions of certain governors, Cuomo for one, who forced C19 patients into nursing homes which ended killing the elderly. He should be brought up on murder charges, along with any other governor doing the same thing, for his ludicrous actions.

Jessefan in Chapel Hill
Jessefan in Chapel Hill

The governor of Illinois, Pritzger, the SOB, ought to brought up on charges as well. I had a cousin, 94 years old, trapped in an assisted care facility in Aurora for 18 months. Had to wear a mask most of the time (indoors!). Restricted visitation. He passed away; but not due to Covid but by falling and suffering head trauma.


Use Vitamin D for both prevention and treatment component. D was shown in a Spanish study from Barcelona in Aug. 2020 to lower deaths by 60% in those already sick enough to be hospitalized. Getting D from the sun is the very best you can get as it is mediated by your natural biochemistry using indoor grow bulbs can be a facisimile but make sure and protect your eyes if you use them. You can’t get actual UV bulbs OTC so far as I know anymore.

Look up Dr. Peter McCullough and use his prevention and treatment protocols. The Povidone dilute nasal wash could save your life by preventing you getting infected in the first place.

Mostly Harmless
Mostly Harmless

“Charges”. You know, because “THE SYSTEM” is so UNSPOILED, so SQUEAKY CLEAN, so UNCORRUPTED that ***SURELY*** we can trust that justice will be done thereby.





I too have seen sheep wearing masks while out. Interesting thing about masks that the sheep don’t understand. If the masks are air tight and don’t let you breath out the also don’t let you BREATH IN. Suffocate happily sheep.


You’re right, Greg. If masks actually prevented the virus from going through, neither would oxygen and you couldn’t breathe. But people are stoopid, aren’t they?


If you can smell perfume or anything with the mask on, it won’t stop the virus


Got in an elevator at work with a masktard. Was rushing to the restroom. She has a mask so I let one rip. Silent amd deadly. Lol. She stepped back. Took everything I had not to laugh.


Would not do much good, the clots are due to the “shredding of the mRNA Spike Protein” accumilating like sand in the blood. Usually in arterial blood vessels, the accumilation of the shredded mRNA Spike Protein causes the long white clots. Dialysis would just delay the process. This is just ONE side effect of the “JAB”, but what do I know? I’m Just a Misinformation/Conspiracy Theorist, That has been proven Right Time and Time again. Do your own reasearch in to the matter, It will help validate the rest of us Misinformation/Conspiracy Theorist. And will help prevent others from getting the JAB, as well as holding those that push the JAB Accountable! FJB and Fauci!

Monica Shanklin
Monica Shanklin

I’d love a copy of this! You nailed it!


Out shopping yesterday. Happy to see several wearing masks. They don’t even have to open their pie-holes to be identified as uneducated sheep. Thank-you for identifying yourselves.

Mike Schurr
Mike Schurr

Masks are the MAGA hats of the liberals except MAGA hats don’t choke off your oxygen supply and cause brain damage and TDS.


I wore a mask today. I’ve got the flu and felt I was at least considerate enough to try and not give it to someone else. My eardrum ruptured last night and started draining water and blood. Went to a clinic today (wearing a mask) to get some antibiotics. If you’re sick, consider people around you. I used to work in nursing homes as a maintenance man and got sick quite often. If I was sick, I’d stayed home. Some employees would go to work anyway. They’d just spread disease everywhere.


Just stay home. They can deliver medication and anything else you need.


Only reason to wear one. Good for you. Now crank up the vitamin A and zinc


If you need an organ transplant you have 2 choices: (1) “sign your own death warrent” by getting kicked off the transplant list because you didn’t follow the transplant list requirements which include the covid shots every 6 months or (2) take a gamble and get the required shot so you can have the life saving organ transplant. So certain death with no transplant or possible death from the shot. Which would you choose cause there is no alternative for someone facing that choice. Trust me I speak from experience. My son makes that decision every 6 months.

Time to move
Time to move



yes… no.
and just think of the harm done to all the marine life on this planet.

Time to move
Time to move

My wife an RN and myself did get the initial shot, but we are not getting any boosters. Having recently had the vid and no apparent benefit from the shot we both regret getting it. I figured from the very beginning we wouldn’t have any reason the fear getting sick, but did it anyway and now as a result we have something else to worry about.


We never hear about the ‘one and done’ Johnson & Johnson shot, just the Moderna and Pfizer.
Were the folks that got that one also having the same kind of adverse reactions or deaths?


Very good question. And like most good questions these days, the ‘medical authorities’ are ignoring it.
They usually say there are ‘no adequate studies’ on topics they wish to avoid, pretending not to know that they are the ones who have prevented such studies. Almost all scientific research now is done with govt money, and naturally they are always ‘fresh out’ of money when it comes time to test what they do not want to know.

zoe frost
zoe frost

Do you really think anti-Republic Commie/Globalist Newscum got the clot shot?


My son has been on dialysis. At the end of each treatment he gets Heparin injection to prevent clotting. This is a normal step in the dialysis process. I have no medical background so this is just my opinion but I think that is what is helping. My son does get severe chest pains since getting the shots. Unfortunately to stay on the transplant list you have to follow all the requirements.


A LONG time ago the FDA used to do their job. They refused to allow the use of Thalidomide in the US for pregnant mothers. It was used in Europe and led to many birth defects in the children of the moms using it. They saved the US that disaster. But that was a long time ago.

No Way
No Way

My mother lost her first born child to complications of Thalidomide, here in the U.S. It was used here for a bit before it was banned to treat nausea during pregnancy.


Regarding Thalidomide –
Safe and Effective, Then and Now
Dr. Sam Bailey

“Safe & Effective”, Then and Now.
I dig into the history of an infamous pharmaceutical. It was said to be safe & effective.
History doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes…
>> References are included in the video description.


Regarding DES (Diethylstilbestrol) –
The Myth of “Safe and Effective”
Dr. Sam Bailey

“Safe & Effective” – now where have we heard that before?
Let’s dive into another pharmaceutical experiment and see how it affected future generations.
>> References (with links) are listed in the video’s description.


Its so beyond stupid; beyond the massive adverse effects, the jab is completely worthless, it is neither effective nor does it stop the transmission of the virus. If you take the rudimentary precautions that the world has been doing since time immemorial; namely, up the germ mitigation during the seasonal high vit c, d, zinc supplements, and avoid the petri dish conditions of wild crowds of germ sneezing virus carrying toddlers, you have little chance of contracting the sniffles. How these stinkin demonic demoraatts and their accomplice scumbags in big pharma, fake news, medical community, big healthcare empires, can continue the hoax of death to all, is per usual in this transition to Armageddon; proposed by our godless brethren.


My son is on the kidney transplant and required to get the shots. He has had the 2 original plus 3 boosters. He got severe chest pains 4 days after the 2nd shot. This was before we knew about the side effects. He continues to get chest pain and has been sent to ER via ambulance during dialysis treatments several times. He gets no explanation as to why. I and my husband did not get any of the shots. A month ago my son and I both got covid for the first time. My husband didn’t. Our symptoms was the same, extreme tiredness and cold like symptoms. Not only did the shot not prevent him from getting covid but didn’t lessen the symptoms. In my opinion the shot is completely useless and has caused more harm to my son then good.


My grandson the same..forced to get the jab or not be on the transplant list..he fought them to no avail..he did not want it but finally succumbed to their demand..he ended up in the ICU..blood clots..and just like that they removed him from the list..his lungs have never recovered. Then, even with that reaction, in order to get back on the list he was told he had to have the booster..against his will, he complied, was put back on the list..another reaction..now his heart is too weak to handle the surgery so he is off the list again..and guess what..they are demanding he takes the next booster if he wants back on the list..this should be classified as murder, or attempted murder cuz that’s what they are doing.


So sorry this is happening to your grandson. There needs accountability immediately. I don’t know how the medical personnel can live with themselves.


Five shots? You let them shoot FIVE SHOTS of that stuff into your son and now you want answers as to why his health is messed up?? What the hell are we supposed to say to you? I’m surprised you aren’t seeking a 6th shot to reverse the damage because, what the hell, why the hell not? I don’t even know what to say to that. Sorry you took your son down to the covid vaccination tent FIVE TIMES and now you’re experiencing this. It’s a… tragedy? And don’t give me that “it was required” crap. Did he get a kidney yet or just 5 shots of poison?


Wow you are some special idiot aren’t you. You have no idea what you are talking about. My son is dieing from kidney failure. Do you have even the slightest idea what that means. My son can’t produce urine. His body can’t get rid of fluid on its own. Every other day he goes through the process of dialysis which takes 4 hours. Obviously you have no idea what that does to your body. He will die without a new kidney. There is a 6 year waiting list for a kidney, meanwhile I get to watch my son suffer and get sicker every day. He is a shell of the young man he use to be. It is a requirement to get a transplant. I don’t care if you want to stick your fingers in your ears like a two year old and say “And don’t give me that “it was required” crap. I’m guessing you never had been put in a position where you face certain death, given an estimate on how long you can survive on dialysis before you die. Told you have to follow the medical requirements or no transplant. So welcome to the real world where you have to make difficult decisions to have a slim chance of living to see your 30th birthday.