Unfortunately his comembers will ignore this truth. The principle also applies to corporations.
Even if that was not the intent of moneys given, there are very dishonest politicians in poor countries who are VERY willing to take America’s $ illegally- for their OWN personal use, instead of using that money to improve the infrastructure (roads, hospitals, sanitation, public housing, etc) in their own countries.
When people think back to Rome at the end, Flavius Aetius, a great general who defeated the Huns and saved the empire – and was then killed by the Emperor out of jealousy for his success – is remembered as “The Last Roman”, the last leader in Rome who put the fate of Rome above his own. In this sense, Rand Paul, a consistent defender of the Constitution, is “The Last American,” the last Congressional leader who actually sticks to the Constitution and its intent despite the attacks on him that his fealty to the Constitution brings.
So brilliant in weaving wisdom, understanding and knowledge together. Realizing many don’t appreciate Senator Rand Paul; possibly the truth in his words rials up the adversary. Praying he continues to speak out in the wilderness, knowing God is Absolutely Bigger! Thank you CFP for posting.
The billions sent to Ukraine are laundered and then sent back to Hunter and James with ten percent for the big guy.
Enough BS
Excellent, thank you
Kudos Sen. Paul, Kudos Rep. Crocket.
The man would make a great President. And why?
He says truthful things that practically nobody else will say. And he says it in a way where most people would believe him.
Wow. Off the meds, eh?
Heard & read this story several times over the years. The moral STILL applies. But, is ignored.
Senator Paul is like a voice crying in the wilderness.
Just like his dad, Dr. Ron Paul, who continues to work on informing and educating individuals.
What’s that saying(?) – you can lead a horse to water……
Can we clone this man.
The voice of sanity.
WE could only wish this could happen.. A voice of reason.
Michael Pickering
Not the first I’ve heard it. It’s as true now, as then. We trust our “leaders” to use discretion in their wielding of the power we bless them with. They need be held accountable, even by force, if necessary. THAT’S why our founding fathers gave us the second Amendment. Judgement Day may soon be on the horizon, should they continue to ignore We the People and OUR needs.
First time we’ve heard this story? Really? If that’s true then we are in much worse shape in America than I thought. For heaven’s sake, read America, READ!
anti-semitic bastard
Like some others here, I had heard the story decades ago, but without the needed attribution Rand Paul gives it. It is originally from a newspaper article of 1867 about three decades after Crockett served in Congress, so it may not be true, but at least is now better founded than the rumor I have generally seen.
Thank you Senator Paul.
I taught it to my homeschooled kids. It’s in a little book about stories of the founders and the revolutionary period.
Even the veterans are for it, kinda: https://www.veteranstoday.com/2022/06/16/will-ukraine/
Will Ukraine Become the New Israel?
Call it a conspiracy theory if you like, but I have read in more than one place that the hidden agenda of the US in Ukraine is to create a new homeland for people from Israel who want to migrate there in order to get out of what increasingly is becoming a failed state headed for collapse.
It’s easy to ridicule this theory, but I think there’s something to it.
bullshit. how are you so stupid to believe that
I learned this story about 40 years ago. Still a great story.
OPiuM. Other Peoples Money.
Read the story of Davy Crockett about the time he ran across Bigfoot.
Rand Paul may be the most principled man in Washington. Great story. Great principle. Obviously correct.
Howdy Doody
Too bad there’s only one honest man in the Senate!
AND, read by EVERY candidate seeking ANY political position.
I’ve heard this story a long time ago. It’s right on. Good for you Rand Paul
OPM,(other peoples money) the funnest money to spend. I used to be a Realtor, it was so fun shopping to spend $200,000, $500,000, then I finally spent OPM on a million dollar home!
John Blutarski
…”the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money”…
…Margaret Thatcher…
Worried man
I visited Congress once and the Representative nick-named “B1 Bob” was giving a long winded speech to nobody else in the House of Representatives.
that was Bob Dornan. He was a badass pilot and was done in by a bunch of California and DC. fags.
They kept the camera on Rand Paul—was anyone else there to hear it? If not, where was everyone? They want all this money but they don’t have to be there? Wow. What a job.
You’re correct! If you want to vote on legislation you must be there! None of this “proxy” vote crap
Have Fun
WHY???? To prove we are broke. 😳 good one ☝️
A sound diagnosis, and a proper prescription.
Right on Senator Paul. Wonder if anyone else was in the chamber.
Most were probably somewhere else and couldn’t care less.
I heard this story of Crockett many years ago and it has been my dream that it would become the mindset of Congress. Unfortunately, we have too many elected officials that no one would trust with their personal checkbook, but somehow they get elected to office. I’m still hopeful that someday it will happen.
Red Will Danaher
If everyone coming to this site took 5 minutes to forward this to their Congressman and Senators it would be an act of patriotism. Thanks Senator Paul for sharing.
Michael Taylor
Rand Paul is amazing. Meanwhile, McConnell, Cornyn, Romney have their heads in the sand.
The difference is those mentioned and so many others have sold their souls for a buck, or are treasonously stupid. Or maybe just treasonous.
Geoffrey Britain
“Put it on our tab” is a euphemism for… let future generations pay for it. Which is… taxation without representation.
Taxation = theft.
I frequently have problems seeing the videos that are supposedly ahead of these conversations between visitors that I actually do see.
Is the cfp tech sabotaging them, or is it my Android phone? I would really like to have seen this, because I think I know the story already from decades ago.
Probably four people were listening because they had to be there.
For What It’s Worth
Another great quote from Crocket; “You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas.” One of the reasons I live in Texas.
Except he actually went to the Mexican territory BEFORE it was even declared the independent territory of Texas… the battle of the Alamo took place Feb 23-March 6 and Texas declared itself independent on March 2nd when that battle was already hopelessly lost.
And Crockett’s sole purpose in being there was because he was broke and desperate to claim the 4,600 acres he was promised if Texas did successfully separate from Mexico. Those “patriots” were in fact nothing more than squatters who seized land that wasn’t theirs. History is your friend, and even more so when it’s not filtered by myths, legends and jingoism.
K. SmithFJB
How does your pedantic and condescending statement change what Crockett said?
Geoffrey Britain
It’s intellectually dishonest to declare speculation as to motives as fact. As well as only present the part of history that supports the favored narrative. It was common among Americans to refer to that part of the continent as ‘Texas’. The sentiment of Americans living in then Mexico’s ‘Texas’ province was that Texans’ both native and immigrant lacked representation and thus had the right to secede from Mexico. Santa Ana, dictator of Mexico whose word was law, had broken his own proclamations and in doing so, forfeited his and thus his government’s claims to Texas. The actions of one government cannot be disavowed by a succeeding one unless one supports the view that the official actions of one government are rescindable by another. In which case, treaties and agreements are not worth the ink upon which they are written.
From here looking ahead
Point well taken. Does that mean the islands that Japan had to surrender to the Soviet union after the world war still belong to Japan???. Can we look at today and abuse of our government through funding and taxing the American people and wasteful spending that’s killing us without a war.
Peggy wilcox
Agree. But I have read several places that the 16th amendment was not really ratified by all 36 (?) states. True? Time to find out
Unfortunately his comembers will ignore this truth. The principle also applies to corporations.
Even if that was not the intent of moneys given, there are very dishonest politicians in poor countries who are VERY willing to take America’s $ illegally- for their OWN personal use, instead of using that money to improve the infrastructure (roads, hospitals, sanitation, public housing, etc) in their own countries.
When people think back to Rome at the end, Flavius Aetius, a great general who defeated the Huns and saved the empire – and was then killed by the Emperor out of jealousy for his success – is remembered as “The Last Roman”, the last leader in Rome who put the fate of Rome above his own. In this sense, Rand Paul, a consistent defender of the Constitution, is “The Last American,” the last Congressional leader who actually sticks to the Constitution and its intent despite the attacks on him that his fealty to the Constitution brings.
So brilliant in weaving wisdom, understanding and knowledge together. Realizing many don’t appreciate Senator Rand Paul; possibly the truth in his words rials up the adversary. Praying he continues to speak out in the wilderness, knowing God is Absolutely Bigger! Thank you CFP for posting.
The billions sent to Ukraine are laundered and then sent back to Hunter and James with ten percent for the big guy.
Excellent, thank you
Kudos Sen. Paul, Kudos Rep. Crocket.
The man would make a great President. And why?
He says truthful things that practically nobody else will say. And he says it in a way where most people would believe him.
Wow. Off the meds, eh?
Heard & read this story several times over the years. The moral STILL applies. But, is ignored.
Senator Paul is like a voice crying in the wilderness.
Just like his dad, Dr. Ron Paul, who continues to work on informing and educating individuals.
What’s that saying(?) – you can lead a horse to water……
Can we clone this man.
The voice of sanity.
WE could only wish this could happen.. A voice of reason.
Not the first I’ve heard it. It’s as true now, as then. We trust our “leaders” to use discretion in their wielding of the power we bless them with. They need be held accountable, even by force, if necessary. THAT’S why our founding fathers gave us the second Amendment. Judgement Day may soon be on the horizon, should they continue to ignore We the People and OUR needs.
First time we’ve heard this story? Really? If that’s true then we are in much worse shape in America than I thought. For heaven’s sake, read America, READ!
anti-semitic bastard
Like some others here, I had heard the story decades ago, but without the needed attribution Rand Paul gives it. It is originally from a newspaper article of 1867 about three decades after Crockett served in Congress, so it may not be true, but at least is now better founded than the rumor I have generally seen.
Thank you Senator Paul.
I taught it to my homeschooled kids. It’s in a little book about stories of the founders and the revolutionary period.
Even the veterans are for it, kinda:
Will Ukraine Become the New Israel?
Call it a conspiracy theory if you like, but I have read in more than one place that the hidden agenda of the US in Ukraine is to create a new homeland for people from Israel who want to migrate there in order to get out of what increasingly is becoming a failed state headed for collapse.
It’s easy to ridicule this theory, but I think there’s something to it.
bullshit. how are you so stupid to believe that
I learned this story about 40 years ago. Still a great story.
OPiuM. Other Peoples Money.
Read the story of Davy Crockett about the time he ran across Bigfoot.
Rand Paul may be the most principled man in Washington. Great story. Great principle. Obviously correct.
Too bad there’s only one honest man in the Senate!
AND, read by EVERY candidate seeking ANY political position.
I’ve heard this story a long time ago. It’s right on. Good for you Rand Paul
OPM,(other peoples money) the funnest money to spend. I used to be a Realtor, it was so fun shopping to spend $200,000, $500,000, then I finally spent OPM on a million dollar home!
…”the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money”…
…Margaret Thatcher…
I visited Congress once and the Representative nick-named “B1 Bob” was giving a long winded speech to nobody else in the House of Representatives.
that was Bob Dornan. He was a badass pilot and was done in by a bunch of California and DC. fags.
They kept the camera on Rand Paul—was anyone else there to hear it? If not, where was everyone? They want all this money but they don’t have to be there? Wow. What a job.
You’re correct! If you want to vote on legislation you must be there! None of this “proxy” vote crap
WHY???? To prove we are broke. 😳 good one ☝️
A sound diagnosis, and a proper prescription.
Right on Senator Paul. Wonder if anyone else was in the chamber.
Most were probably somewhere else and couldn’t care less.
I heard this story of Crockett many years ago and it has been my dream that it would become the mindset of Congress. Unfortunately, we have too many elected officials that no one would trust with their personal checkbook, but somehow they get elected to office. I’m still hopeful that someday it will happen.
If everyone coming to this site took 5 minutes to forward this to their Congressman and Senators it would be an act of patriotism. Thanks Senator Paul for sharing.
Rand Paul is amazing. Meanwhile, McConnell, Cornyn, Romney have their heads in the sand.
The difference is those mentioned and so many others have sold their souls for a buck, or are treasonously stupid. Or maybe just treasonous.
“Put it on our tab” is a euphemism for… let future generations pay for it. Which is… taxation without representation.
Taxation = theft.
I frequently have problems seeing the videos that are supposedly ahead of these conversations between visitors that I actually do see.
Is the cfp tech sabotaging them, or is it my Android phone? I would really like to have seen this, because I think I know the story already from decades ago.
Probably four people were listening because they had to be there.
Another great quote from Crocket; “You may all go to hell and I will go to Texas.” One of the reasons I live in Texas.
Except he actually went to the Mexican territory BEFORE it was even declared the independent territory of Texas… the battle of the Alamo took place Feb 23-March 6 and Texas declared itself independent on March 2nd when that battle was already hopelessly lost.
And Crockett’s sole purpose in being there was because he was broke and desperate to claim the 4,600 acres he was promised if Texas did successfully separate from Mexico. Those “patriots” were in fact nothing more than squatters who seized land that wasn’t theirs. History is your friend, and even more so when it’s not filtered by myths, legends and jingoism.
How does your pedantic and condescending statement change what Crockett said?
It’s intellectually dishonest to declare speculation as to motives as fact. As well as only present the part of history that supports the favored narrative. It was common among Americans to refer to that part of the continent as ‘Texas’. The sentiment of Americans living in then Mexico’s ‘Texas’ province was that Texans’ both native and immigrant lacked representation and thus had the right to secede from Mexico. Santa Ana, dictator of Mexico whose word was law, had broken his own proclamations and in doing so, forfeited his and thus his government’s claims to Texas. The actions of one government cannot be disavowed by a succeeding one unless one supports the view that the official actions of one government are rescindable by another. In which case, treaties and agreements are not worth the ink upon which they are written.
Point well taken. Does that mean the islands that Japan had to surrender to the Soviet union after the world war still belong to Japan???. Can we look at today and abuse of our government through funding and taxing the American people and wasteful spending that’s killing us without a war.
Agree. But I have read several places that the 16th amendment was not really ratified by all 36 (?) states. True? Time to find out
i have one simple activity for you too.