‘Spike protein inside every single cancer cell’…

Posted by Kane on June 11, 2023 1:33 am





Dr. Ryan Cole



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William Allen
William Allen

Simple immunity bolster 50mg sink daily

D Hals
D Hals

Vaccine spike makes huge amounts compared to covid virus spike.


FENBENDAZOLE ALSO – see Joe Tippens Protocol https://mycancerstory.rocks/


Duh. So this is the after-effects they’ve been watching for. You see, it was an experiment and now they are starting to see see the effect of the experimental protocol. This is science folks-science when all vestiges of honor, honesty, and plain human compassion is taken out of the equation. Don’t you just love the new scientists who lord it over society. Many will not agree, but when you have no conscience about a higher power who will call you to the witness stand eventually, this is what you get.All I can really advise at this point is a heartfelt: BEWARE!!!!!

Facts don’t lie
Facts don’t lie

Clot shot is bad and will weaken your immune system and cancer can be allowed to grow as data out of MSK showed suppression of certain tumor suppressor genes. TP53 and other toll receptors.

Unfortunately the general public can not handle the truth nor can understand it… that is why they were all Fooled they believe the fear narrative of COVID.

Just like climate BS- all start with false narratives and don’t need solving.

SARSCOVID 19 had a 99.98 % global survival all ages- didn’t need a rushed to market never studied in control trials vaccine.


China’s president makes rare acknowledgment of toll of COVID


Trump absolutely did not start the lockdowns. The only thing he did shut down was flights coming in from China where the disease originated.
The trolls coming in with this line are either DNC, RNC, or CCP all of whom are trying to get DeSantis in now.


Trump was screwed either way, admit it. Media, Feds, Big Pharma are all against him. No matter what he did, they would have painted an awful picture of him. Nobody that’s a conservative is happy with Barr, Fauci, Bump Stocks, Chris Wray. However, he did a lot of things right. You’re never going to get another politician that aligns with you 100%. I’m ok with a shitty vaccine, as long as I wasn’t mandated to take it.


You’re “ok” with a poison vaccine that was promoted by Trump at every opportunity?You’re no better than the group-thinking commies on the left.


Trump offered a cure supplied by Fauci, his Covid czar. He never forced anyone to take anything. He promoted people to be able to use anything they felt they wanted if having a life threatening illness. Nancy Pelosi called Hydroxychloraquine ‘fish tank cleaner’. Direct your anger at her. Anyone who witheld medicine from a dying person deserves a Nazi Party membership card.

Roy Nelson
Roy Nelson



Mother of the clot shot.

Snellville Bob
Snellville Bob

I sincerely hope you are fully jabbed and boosted.


One $1.00 item could put you where you belong.


heidihtaylor@gmail.com, it’s the liberals , that where stupid enough, to take that crap , they have 3 to 5 years at the most lol 😂


You must be a local.

Linda Knudson
Linda Knudson

If the Orange man is bad then I’m ademon. God bless Trump.


My daughter has a 28 year old friend from high school that is getting a double mastectomy because of cancer . Wouldn’t surprise me if she got the Jab. My daughter has another friend, 28 years old. She got the Jab, and now has multiple sclerosis.


News you don’t hear….millions of chinese are dropping like flies. The estimate is “millions” from reliable sources including the epoch times. And China is almost 100% vaxxed. There are lines to crematoriums that are almost endless. And now the CCP has clamped down on any news of this…..as the CDC and the feds push more boosters for pfizer. in America.


I’m afraid this is wishful thinking. China’s vax rate is relatively low, especially the elderly. They’ve been using traditional method rather than MRNA. I live in China (for my sins) and havent heard, nor do I know of a single soul to have died. The wave has been and gone – everyone’s fine, just like they were in the west 2020-21.

Snellville Bob
Snellville Bob

Ice nine is from Kurt Vonnegut’s 1963 book “Cat’s Cradle”.


Where the hell are you getting the information that China is “almost 100% vaxxed? You are 100% wrong.


This is in regards to the shot. The actual virus does not shed nearly as many spike proteins as the shot forces your own cells to make. The virus uses the spike protein for a very small part of the infection process, whereas the shot ONLY uses the spike protein to try to cause an immune response. Your body can only process so much of something until the chemicals needed to do so are depleted and need time to be replenished from other processes in the body. With such a large amount of spike proteins in the blood and in pretty much every organ, the body is overwhelmed and cannot process them out fast enough. This leads to buildup of spike proteins in many areas of the body which causes the newly made T Cells to be spent right away to try and get rid of the spike protein buildup. Because the body now has all of its T Cells being used up in this process, it leaves the regular job of the T Cells unattended which leads to cells not being removed that are problematic which leads to cancerous cells and other abnormal cells.

I don’t blame you for not wanting to read the papers, they are boring and technical and nerdy and that is not everyone’s idea of a good read. I won’t post links because that will more than likely get removed automatically.

Easy Peasy
Easy Peasy

great explanation


I will let you know. I have been in remission for 3 years from a b-cell lymphoma. I only took 2 vaccinations for covid. I have 1 lymnode that spike a bit in the last scan. I hope it does not come back.

Canterbury Cat Tails
Canterbury Cat Tails

Truly wishing you all the best.


Yes, the stuff with the pesticides is best. Ppl never learn.


Uncle sam will bail them out to keep rates from spiking, so people will not notice.


Uncle Sam is going to be bankrupt soon and unable : to bail them out. The whole situation is FUBAR ! 🙂


It is tragic and a farce that when Trump was President theythought it unsafe to take the shot, but when Biden, one month later, said to take it they turnd on the dime. Conservatives from the start resisted the shot and even booed Trump at two rallies when he boasted of the shot. Yet the left calls US cultists.


Welcome and encouraged to leave


Money is the biggest tool of control ever invented.


There are MANY pathogens that infect through the digestive system. That mRNA, exosomes/viruses could be integrated into the body through food is likely. Gates was even talking a while ago about designing vegetables with vaccine spliced into their genome or some Dr. Evil sh!t.

Not Sure
Not Sure

Your not beating the spike protein with diet.

Red Byrd
Red Byrd

you can unwrap and neutralize the spike proteins with specific food type supplements. get a bottle of “bromelain” and a bottle of “NAC” from Amaz or wherever and take them both together every day and the effect is to rid the body of the spikes! for preventative and help if you catch covid try: Dr Z supplement or get a bottle of Kappa brand “Immune C Plus” that includes zinc and a bottle of NAC . you will get the zinc into the cells to cancel the virus plus other immune stimulating items such as : quercetin/zinc/vit C/ copper/vitD3, etc. if sick get and take Ivermectin that can now be bought online from an obvious web address!

Red Byrd
Red Byrd

forgot an important link to (believe it or not) the gov’t PubMed research: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33800932/


They’ve even SAID that they want to put “self spreading” vaccines into food.


It doesn’t matter. A third of the population could make a fuss, and then they’d build giant mental institutions and round everyone up. Why were there so many built as the world was settling in to the industrial revolution era 100 to 150 years ago? Maybe there were a LOT of people not accepting lies.


Hit it up with a daily high dosage of D3 and hope for the best…


My wife’s doctor told her she could not come to the office in person if she did not get the shot; prior to this the doctor was blase about the shot. The change in the doctors attitude was like a light switch went on.
One day, at the office, my wife was sneaking around acting strange and the desk person blurted out we are ready to give you the Vax. This after the constant stream of info about the harms I had given her and our mutual agreement that we would not get it. I grabbed her hand and whooshed her out of there. Yes she had covid and recovered nicely.
Lesson is: People are enamored with authority and especially medical authority when in actuality civilians can be more aware than doctors. I see this whole episode as the beginning of the dark ages.


In the past, 5 deaths would be enough to pull it from the shelves

Federico Freddy Cardella
Federico Freddy Cardella

Too much fear mongering for views based on non peer reviewed spurious lab results. Disgusting. Since heart disease & cancer are by far the largest killers (far and above over Covid or vax injury) both before & after the plandemic – cancer is such an easy target to latch onto simply to report some new horror. This is not news or science but but an exercise in paranoia- a spike protein is not eternal. It’s made up of wasting amino acid molecules – its a non thinking piece of protein bridge utilized by a semi alive viral body called COVID – which after penetrating a healthy cell causes the C virus to inject RNA message – this alone has caused so much death & injury. Why concoct some other non scientific based theory to scare people with? It’s does enough destruction already verified.

Vaccines also contain the free floating spike proteins which can cause terrible inflammation &’myocarditis etc mini blood clots etc. But the spike by itself only cause one generation of damage in its host. It’s only approximately 1/2 nanometer in size whereas our immunity system were only created to handle filtering out toxins & viruses as small as one nanometer. Thus our immunity systems (IF HEALTHY & STRONG) are robust and well able to handle the full spikes & attached one nanometer virus control center.

This business of claiming that an inert and non directed random spike protein can reproduce or migrate into cancer cells or pass itself via spermicide & via generations – would destroy creation – God would never permit this in His creation. The spike theory proposed here is only suitable for a bio terror based, sci fi novel. These people here are desperate to sell fear for views. Sad.


You sir, have lost it.

Red Byrd
Red Byrd

a spike protein is not eternal- doesn’t need to be when a lotta sheepa have been taking vaxx and boosters for over two years! a continuous supply for a while to give the cancer to take off?


Denial much


Exactly. We will be seeing widespread vaxx denialism going forward as people see their loved ones die-off. Sad.


Unfortunately for the jabbed, the long-lasting mRNA injected into them causes their cells to keep making more and more damaging spikes over and over. This will hurt them.

Marty Pops
Marty Pops

You really ave no idea who Dr. Cole is, don’t you? I’d rather listen to him than read your inane rant.


You work for big pharma do you ?


Just in my circle of friends, all 50, 60 and over, lost so many that FFC’s statement is already proven to be a lie. Add to that the sudden deaths of all the “healthy” people from the age of 10 to 50 for no real reason at all,…other than that “sudden illness” FFC sounds like a defender of Pfizer, looking to make a buck.


That is what Seal Teams are for, extradition in force.


And it will be law enforcement who does their dirty work for fear of losing their jobs, groceries etc. Many have already proven to be compliant to those kinds of threats.


The leading theory is that the spike protein weakens part of the body’s immune system. The weakened immune system cannot carry out the required functions needed in day to day maintenance of the body. Namely, the process by which cells are killed off if they become abnormal.

If you want to know more, there are countless papers on T Cells (a type of white blood cell) and the spike protein inhibiting their function.

Mrs. Sunshine
Mrs. Sunshine

The borders are wide open to replace all the Western mRNA victims.

Frank McCloud
Frank McCloud

Mrs. Sunshine,

Haven’t seen you in a while (that I recall). Nice to see you again.

Is this your original icon? I know it had changed.


When we live under an economic system that requires infinite growth, in a world with finite resources… last ditch efforts like this are all that are left. They system is coming down.


So is anyone who caught Covid, the bomb is just gonna tick a little longer…


Someone just told me that we’re all going to die…is this true?


You are very thinned skinned and can’t really see the overarching lessons here. It all makes sense now.


The ppl at CNN wanted you dead, the ppl here wanted you alive and your active support in the resistance. The ppl here are light years more moral than CNN. I see now how you caved, your moral compass is way off.


No you are incorrect. These ppl giving you mild insults are trying to do two things: 1. Give you a strong dose message to never do something like this again to your health and, 2 the more you easily-caved ppl were vaxxed, the more comfort and support to a tyrannical government policy and the more threats to us who decided to stand and resist. So, the more you claim to be the true victim, the more it galls us. Take your lesson or not.